・Advanced features via customer programming software (CPS).
・Coverage will vary based on terrain, conditions, and the radio model used.
・Advanced Voice Activation (VOX)
・Allows users to identify radio features and status.
・Tricolor LED interface.
説明: Empower your team with a faster way to communicate. The RMU2040 on-site two-way business radio helps you communicate instantly, without missing a beat. With crisp, clear audio throughout the workplace and exceptional durability, the RMU2040 won’t quit in high noise, harsh conditions, and high use. The RMU2040 2 watt radio operates on 89 UHF business exclusive frequencies and is FCC Narrowband ready. Enhanced audio quality, a rugged design, and versatile HTML-based customer programming software make this radio an exceptional choice for all of your on-site business needs. Advanced features such as customized channel announcement keep your hands free, so you can focus on the task at hand. Whether you’re coordinating resources at the construction site or on the manufacturing line, the RMU2040 two-way radio is tested to last. Unleash the power of your RM series radio with accessories that are comfortable, durable and discreet to fit the way you work.
カテゴリー: トランシーバー
メーカー: ACS INC
ブランド: Motorola
高さ: 20.3 センチ
幅: 20.3 センチ
奥行: 20.3 センチ
重量: 0.0 Kg
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