We have prepared a special non-alcoholic fruit cocktail recipe for each sign, taking into account our flower, stone and lucky character traits. Try these handy recipes that you can easily make yourself at home!
Here is your sign and cocktail
Mandatory in all recipes
Boil a glass of water with a glass of caster sugar. Add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice in the mixture during the boiling process. After boiling the water until you are sure the sugar is completely dissolved, wait for it to warm up and put it in the fridge until it cools. Here is your syrup ready!
To note: 1 cl = 1 tablespoon
You are a strong spirited, energetic, leader and totally loving person. The Sun, which is our inexhaustible source of light on the planet, just like you But just so you know, the Sun, which rules your heart, is very quickly affected by all kinds of oils. Therefore, you must be on good terms with herbal teas. In this way, it also helps you to calm down and come to your senses when you lose yourself with the exuberance of your leader spirit and try to manage the lives of others. That’s why we’ve found a green tea cocktail that’s right for you.
Material: 3 kiwis, quarter melon, 150 ml cold green tea, fresh mint, 5 ice cubes
Preparation of: Mix the fruits with the tea and 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh mint in the blender. Add a few spoonfuls of sugar syrup to sweeten it through a strainer and pour it into a glass with ice and enjoy.
You are a leader with a spirit and strong characteristics, but what violence is this majesty! Because you are hasty in everything and get angry quickly, they have attached narcissistic and selfish labels to you. However, if you reveal your creative and energetic spirit a little more, people will understand how hard and fun you are to resist. We have unearthed a vitamin cocktail recipe for you to release your energy.
Material: 3 cl of pineapple juice, 3 cl of strawberry juice, 1 slice of fresh pineapple, 5 cl of milk, 2 kiwis and 2 strawberries each, 5 ice cubes
Preparation of: Mix pineapple juice, strawberry juice, milk and berries with ice. It is highly recommended to add whipped cream on top after pouring the mixture into a cocktail glass.
You have a patient, organized and reliable character. Are you just a little too emotional? Being so sensitive and caring about the smallest details exhausts you. If you manage to leave the course of events to time and not worry about everything, rest assured, more peaceful days await you. Strawberry Ice Cream Soda is the cocktail we recommend you enjoy on these peaceful days.
Material: 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, 1 bottle of soda, 8 strawberries, ice cream
Preparation of: After blending the strawberries, add the ice cream and soda and mix well. Did you add your ice cream, it’s good
Being a fast learner, fast thinker, and fast-acting person causes those around you to describe you as unstable and changeable. Being logical and distant makes you a very serious person. All you have to do is show people how practical you are and how fast you like to live. Our cocktail suggestion that will make you relax and enjoy; Cinnamon orange juice…
Material: 5 oranges, 2 grapefruits, 1 lemon, 1 glass of icing sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, ice
Preparation of: Peel the skins of oranges, grapefruits and lemons and pass them through a blender, then mix them with powdered sugar. Boil the cinnamon sticks with a glass of water. After cooling, add the fruit puree you have prepared and mix. After keeping it in the fridge for half an hour, you can drink it with lots of ice.